Eric the…….. Eric’s brother, Ron, has advised that Eric will be having a Direct Funeral which entails no service and no mourners. Eric the…….. Eric’s brother Ron and Eric’s friends would like to express their thanks and gratitude to hashers for their support and friendship shown to Eric during his final few months. Eric’s last attendance at a hash circle was at Edinburgh EH3 on 18 December 2022 at Hillend, Edinburgh where he remained in his brother’s car as the terrain was extremely icy. Eric’s last trail was in his wheelchair, in the hospital's landscaped gardens, on 30 January 2023. Eric remained at his Edinburgh home until 13 January 2023, when he was transferred to Ellen Glen House hospital in South Edinburgh. He remained in good spirits and was always pleased to see his many visitors. Hash cards and emails were read out to Eric and they provided a colourful display on his bedside table, along with his hash wall of photographs. We know some visitors travelled hundreds of miles just to spend time with Eric and to reminisce on shared hash memories. Although verbal communication became difficult for Eric, he was able to laugh out loud as stories were recounted or articles from H3 newsletters, such as The Viking Times from Surrey Hash, were read to him. In addition to the hospital meals, his appetite for food was not diminished and he was able to enjoy the fruit, chocolates and sweets provided by his visitors, including the home-made cookies. Although Eric was not well enough to visit a Wetherspoons pub, where he used to select his food choices without looking at the menu, we knew his favourite dessert option, and were able to ensure that he received regular supplies of hot apple crumble and custard, which he would devour with relish at any time of the day. Due to intervention by hashers, Eric was officially prescribed alcohol and able to enjoy a daily drink. Special mention must be made to the substantial amount of money donated by Eric’s friends beyond Edinburgh, which was organised by Rambo (London & West London H3). This money was used to buy malt whisky and bottles of real ale, along with luxury food items. However, due to the generosity of Eric’s hash friends and despite our best efforts we were unable to spend all of this donated money on Eric. With Rambo’s approval, Edinburgh hashers (TNT and EH3) have been given the opportunity to toast Eric at their Hash circle. For TNT this was on Wednesday 8 March and for EH3 on Sunday 12 March. What will be done with the remaining money is still to be decided with consideration being given to some sort of memorial plaque at an appropriate location. Edinburgh TNT and EH3 are planning to hold a special trail in memory of Eric, with further details to follow. Consideration is being given to having this event on Sunday 30 April.