New to Hashing
If you have got this far on our website, you probably have "Half a Mind" to Hash! Sometimes described as a "drinking club with a running problem", thousands of "Hash House Harriers" around the world take to the open country each week for some serious exercise and some even more serious refreshment.
"Hashing" as it has come to be known, takes place regularly up and down the Country, as eager runners and/or drinkers combine an invigorating run with more than the odd pint, before, after and even during the trail.
What do you need?
A sense of humour.
Running clothes: It is best to dig out those old trainers and sweatshirts, it can get muddy.
A change of clothes: It's always useful to have something dry to change into afterwards.
What to expect:
Arrive 10 minutes or so, before the advertised start time, usually 11:00
This allows you to register as a participant and let everyone know who you are.
Don't worry, someone will see that you are new and take you under their wing.
Dues on Edinburgh H3 are £2 per run (Your first run is Free) and payable to "Hash Cash"
at the end of the trail
Trails are called to order by the Grand Master (GM) using some of the following terms
"Circle Up" or "Form a Circle", this is the cue for the pack to form a circle round the GM.
The GM then welcomes the pack, including new runners and visiting Hashers.
This is so the pack know who you are and can look after you while on the trail.
The GM will nominate a SCRIBE for the trail.
SCRIBE duties are to record the events of the day for posterity (preferably including a few jokes and tall stories to brighten it up)
The Hares who have laid the trail, are then requested to explain the niceties of it, such as the markings they used and any potential hazards that need to be avoided. They can also give you shortcuts.
Trails laid by Edinburgh H3 are generally laid using "Flour", but sometimes in built up areas, chalk may be used.
Typical Edinburgh H3 trail markings are:
"SPOTS" of flour make up the trail, and remember "The Flour is Your Friend"!
“CHECK POINT” A circle of flour (sometimes with a cross inside) is a "Check" point, where the trial ahead could go in one of a number of various directions and has to be found. If you arrive first to this point, you should stand by or "Hold the Check" until fellow hashers find the trail and call "ON ON". At this point you will mark the direction of the trail, by "kicking the circle out" in the direction of the trail. If you are first to the check, you will be known as an FRB (Front Running Bastard)!