Glasgow H3 run weekly in and around Glasgow at 19:00 (PROMPT!!) on Monday nights HOTLINE: Audrey 07982 099645
Glasgow H3 have made a few operational changes now that we are in "Beyond Covid Level 0". 1. Numbers are no longer limited 2. There will be some sort of refreshment after the run, which will depend on the weather, the surroundings and whether there is a suitable pub nearby. We might go to a pub, or have the circle at the run site with Zoom (at 9pm) the fall back option. We're still starting at 7pm and people are still asked to book in before arriving. Zoom Details: Meeting ID: 818 9271 7320 Password: Beer Join Zoom Meeting > <
Run No. 2134 Date: 13/01/25 Time: 19:00 Venue: Scaredy's House, East Kilbride Location (W3W): EmailKipperif you need details of the address. Nearest station: NOTE: Numbers are no longer limited, but MUSTbe booked in advance on the GH3 website > <
Run No. 2136 Date: 27/01/25 Time: 19:00 Venue: To be advised Location (W3W): Nearest station: NOTE: Numbers are no longer limited, but MUSTbe booked in advance on the GH3 website > <